Better Today Than Yesterday (BTTY)
Better Today Than Yesterday
A Gentle Reminder

A Gentle Reminder

🎧 #47

New Year resolutions - I understand why we do them. It’s a natural cutoff point and easy to ‘start new.’ We can do that any time of the year, but since we are here together, let’s take advantage of the collective momentum.

But first, I want to offer a contratarían point of view.

Let’s Stop, Not Start

As you think about what you will change in the new year, consider what you can take away. Not what you will start doing but what you will stop doing.

Here are three stops that are top of mind for me.

  • Stop Time Travel - worry and regret are just a misuse of our imagination.

  • Stop Competing With Others - the only competition is in the mirror. Remember, a ‘competitor’ is incredibly close to an ‘enemy.’ You are you, be you. The best you. There’s only one of you.

  • Stop Thinking Leisure Time Is Bad - it’s okay to do things purely for enjoyment without any perceived benefit. Seriously, it’s okay.

A Gentle Reminder

From Bianca Sparacino, A Gentle Reminder

"However you fought your battles, whatever got you here today is valid. You had to do what you had to do. Congratulate yourself on having the courage to do it, even if it was not graceful, even if it could have been executed in a kinder way or a more tender way, even if you see now that you could have done things differently. It is okay. Be gentle with yourself. You were learning. You still are."

And with that, my friends, go gently into this good year. You are good. We are good. Let’s do some good.


Better Today Than Yesterday (BTTY)
Better Today Than Yesterday
Hey! Join me as I share my lessons about life, leadership, and the peaceful pursuit of Better Today Than Yesterday.