Jan 22, 2023Liked by Kelly Vohs

I feel this one, someplace deep; thank you for sharing. Like you, I’m grateful for how far I’ve come, in both my humanity and circumstance. Like a song on repeat in my head. A daily reminder that we are still under construction, but most importantly a celebration of how blessed we are.

Gratefully - JG

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Kelly Vohs

I’m going to focus more on the good of others vs the defects I see. Same with situations. We have a gas leak in our home on Friday and threw us into a hotel for we don’t know how long for. Complain or realize how lucky we are we can go to a hotel and make the most of it with random fun things to do. Great reminder. I recall someone having a very similar conversation with me about “dude. Just stop” when opening a hotel in Chicago.

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ya, good point Gordon. How many might not be able to afford the hotel...let's make it fun. Easy to say, hard to do. And she was a great hotel...because of the humans.

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I’ll give kudos to my wife. On this date in 1997, Kathy started daily journaling of the blessings of each day. Some are big deals, most are the small things - the sunset, a letter in the mail, a good conversation with a friend, etc. We now have shelves of these notebooks. In spite of life’s challenges, there are good things that happen of which we often lose sight. Rather than dwell on the bad, appreciate the good.


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I want to go all Buddhist and suggest that complaining sets us free.

When we complain, we address our attachment to an ideal, vocalize our feelings and move on.

Constant complaining on the other hand, might be a sign that we are habituating our feelings and creating voluntary suffering.

Thank you for a thought provoking piece...

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Locked on here. 30 years later I still have (favorable) dreams that I’m back on Princeton doing good things. I remember being on the pier one night and promising myself that I’d never forget how bad this sucked, and today I remember that pledge but much less what it was about.

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The timing for me to get to your post is great, as I was reminded this evening that regardless of how bad a situation seems, I can find gratitude. Sometimes I need to be snapped into reality to find it and others it hits me on reflection...but it's always there if I look. Thank you for helping me reflect.

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This is your best post so far Kelly. I didn't know this part of your life. Thank you for sharing. I thank you for your service and recognize, that while you were there, your family, but also mine and every other American family, was safe at home due to the work you and your team were doing. I can't thank you enough. And your message on being grateful for what you do have hit home big time for me today. Grateful for your messages. CJ

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This line is something I remind myself daily when I feel the urge coming on to “feel victim” :: Usually, there are worse things happening to better people.

{Another great one - thank you!}

Side note: what is the current WWI read 📖 and favorite author you mentioned?

I am an avid reader of Military History (mainly WWII), but one of my top 3 fav reads is WWI -- “All Quiet On The Western Front” 😊

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