Timely one, thanks Kelly!

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Nice article and a lesson that many people need to learn. What are the high-priority items (personal and professional) that improve your quality of life? Those are the tasks where you should be placing your effort, and by focusing on those tasks you can filter out the noise. I have learned a long ago that I will only engage those tasks which improve my quality of life. My wife constantly asks, "How do you say 'no' so often?" To which I respond, "easily." The advantage of saying 'no' often and early is that, with time, you have to say 'no' less frequently because you have conditioned those around you to stop asking (or they are no longer in your life). Deciding to whom you say 'no' also helps rank those individuals in your life that are adding value (however you describe it) and are helping to make you a better person. As the expression goes, "show me your friends and I'll show you your future."

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Great video Kelly, thanks for sharing.

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