Better Today Than Yesterday (BTTY)
Better Today Than Yesterday
Are you honoring the overlaps?

Are you honoring the overlaps?

No. 64 | Brief thoughts on the people, and the moments, that make up our lives.

You are the only one here for the whole ride. Fortunately, we will have friends and foes join us along the way. They will teach us, torment us, and one day they will leave us.

"There is nothing worse than having nobody important in your life, yet we easily take for granted these precious, fleeting overlaps as they are happening."

(David Cain, This Will Never Happen Again)

When this is over, you will look back at your life and see it was a trail of encounters — moments when we overlapped with someone, either by choice or chance.

Our lives crossed for a minute, year, or lifetime. We became different in some way. Large or small, that overlap changed us forever. Moments of joy, sadness, and other moments we never noticed.

Like atoms, moments make up our lives. Unless we take the time to see them, we won’t. The door held open by a stranger on a cold day, the coffee cup lovingly left out for you by your partner, or the fact that the sun came up again today and you were here to see it. Don’t let your haste waste these moments.

Every second we have an opportunity to recognize something or someone special.

The overlap will end one day. Maybe it already has. Let’s appreciate it when we have it and honor the overlap with our attention. The moments together - the good and the bad - are ours to make and cherish. Every moment counts.

Let’s respect that we are all a work in progress and love the imperfections. We are all imperfect, trying to live our perfect life.

Take care,

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Better Today Than Yesterday (BTTY)
Better Today Than Yesterday
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