Better Today Than Yesterday (BTTY)
Better Today Than Yesterday
Seeking Wisdom

Seeking Wisdom

No. 127

I’m working on something that I call a MAP: Me, a Page. The idea is to give someone my instruction manual. I have quirks, beliefs, pet peeves, and ways of working. Why keep them a secret and make them learn it the hard way? They likely aren’t permanent or perfect, but they are me at this moment.

In the process of doing that, I thought I’d write down my values. That seemed simple enough, but it’s not. Sitting next to Princess Buttercup, I took out a notebook and wrote down a few words. One of them was wisdom.

As she read, and we both enjoyed some salt air, I thought about wisdom. What does it mean? How do you define it? So I asked a friend. Here is what ChatGPT said:

“Wisdom is the ability to make sound judgments and decisions based on knowledge, experience, and insight. It involves understanding the deeper meaning of life, seeing things clearly, and acting with prudence and integrity.”

Extreme close-up of sand. This is what you walk on at the beach.

With that in mind, I started writing what I thought was important. What insights do I currently hold true? As far as the “deeper meaning of life,” I don’t have that answer. If you do, please let me know. Here’s the list I came up with.

Like everything I share weekly, it could be right or wrong. I’m just making it up as I go. You probably are, too. I feel obligated to stress that this list is not complete. Each week, I try to share the lessons I learn and how I’m trying to get better. So, I’m sharing it live. Maybe one or two of these resonate with you.

  1. Understand and embrace reality. Resisting or resenting will not help. Focus on what you can control. Life is problem-solving. Get good at solving problems and/or letting them go.

  2. Love people and events. Good or bad, both are temporary and almost always helpful for learning. Be tolerant, humble, and curious. Love helps. Hate hurts.

  3. Truth requires curiosity. Seek and speak only the truth, especially about yourself. Understand who you really are and act accordingly. Self-awareness and self-control. Don’t conform to external expectations or superficial desires. Your maximum impact lies at the intersection of what the world needs and what you love.

  4. Pride dulls the senses. Don’t let your ego stop you from learning and loving. A willingness to look foolish is a superpower.

  5. Everyone struggles with something. Ask enough questions, and you’ll find out. Everyone is fighting a battle.

  6. Respond, don’t react. Emotions cloud judgment and reality — particularly anger, fear, pride, and sadness. Don’t suppress them; work to understand and master them. If your inside game is strong, your outside game will be too. We have absolute control over our thoughts. Nothing else.

  7. Do good, not bad, and know the difference. Good comes from good action, and evil comes from vice and moral failure.

  8. It’s not about you. It’s about us. We are all connected, and we each have a duty to contribute to our shared harmony.

  9. Don’t time travel. Past regrets and future anxieties are distractions and rarely real.

  10. Simple is better. Focus on what really matters. Think and live simply.

  11. Just because you can win the game doesn’t mean you should play. This applies to relationships, jobs, missions, and ideas. Quit when you realize you’re playing the wrong game, but make sure you’re quitting for the right reasons. It’s easy to lie to yourself when it gets hard. Most good things are hard at some point.

  12. Appreciation takes effort. Bad things are a threat, so they’re easier to see. It takes effort to see the good and the progress in yourself, others, and society.

  13. Happiness is a choice. It’s not always easy, but still a choice. The distance between your perception and your expectation is your amount of unhappiness. Change your perception or your expectation to close that distance. Also, it’s okay to be sad sometimes. Bad things happen.

  14. Usually, it’s enough, and you’re enough. Just enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be any different than this moment.

Take care, bye.


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