Thanks for continuing to be an example of vulnerability in leadership Kelly. Focusing on the present with an eye on the future, particularly "how you want to spend the time you have left" resonates.

P.S. - I thought I was the only one who traveled with emergency coffee... Starbucks Via packets have brightened many of my days that were otherwise starting with bad hotel room coffee!

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Thank you Kelly for speaking on a subject far too many do not. It got me thinking of something (my ‘last day’)...totally lost in thought for a moment...

However, my Gratitude journal is a great item that reminds me to find the positive each day; even the harder days.

May we all get in gear and really start living/experiencing.... 🙏🏻

P.S. I have a beautiful ‘Mama’ (my dearest friend’s mom) who is Eritrean - she was/is my teacher on how to roast coffee beans; inhale the smoke as a Blessing; savor spending time with your guests during the process; and all gathered around waiting for the best cup of steamy liquid you cannot find anywhere else...other than in the comfort of a loved one’s home ☕️

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Perfect reflection at this time of my life. Thank you Kelly!!

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