What you say about space is also in that quote from Viktor Frankl…

Between stimulus and response, there is a space

In that space iis our ability to choose our response

And in that choice, lies our freedom and growth

I love the quotes from Seneca…. And the distinctions you make here between what we call FEAR and VULNERABILITY.

Clearly, this is not new news, but how much we need to hear it, reframed and rephrased, again and again throughout history and our lives.

Thank you for this reflection.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Kelly Vohs

All of your posts have helped me tremendously along my journey. I now go for my walks and begin my days listening to BTTY. It helps me to pause, focus and redirect my steps. Grateful to be able to hear.

This one is a particularly powerful one for me! Thanks for all your words and thoughts!

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Love my circle of accomplices at work; need more at home.

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